It's International Charity Day - Donate to help the Amazon and the Bahamas

The Amazon is Burning, the Bahamas are Decimated. When are we going to see that our choices (what we eat, especially beef (and the soy needed to feed that beef), our transportation, our need for everything ASAP, our plastic addiction, impact us by causing major climate change issues (hence what happened in the Bahamas). We have to treat Mother Nature better. We have to start looking at what we do on the daily and its impact on the Earth. We have to create businesses that solve these problems now, and create sustainable alternatives that are BETTER than the ones currently out there. If you can't change your behavior, you can donate. If you can't donate, volunteer. If you can't do any of those, repost. You have time, money, resources that others could use. It is not helpless if we help each other. #internationalcharityday

