We absolutely loved working with Professional Bank to create this one of a kind moss art installation for their expanding Palm Beach Gardens location (Shout out to Melissa, their AVP who introduced us to their awesome facilities management team!). Collaborating with a community bank based in South Florida is truly an honor. Thank you for supporting a local, women-owned business – and helping businesses like ours expand! We were able to design a truly unique piece, and actually install it! (We rarely get to see our work installed, so it’s especially awesome when we do.) The coolest feedback we got was that they weren’t sure if the succulents were living or not… a testament to the quality of the craftsmanship of these one-of-a-kind pieces.
#mossart #plantart #mosswall #greenwall #interiordesign #interiordesigner #lobbydesign #creativeoffice #workspacedesign #interiorarchitecture #growingbusiness #modernbanking #interiorarchitecture #interiordecorating #interiordecorator #plantbranding #brandingwithplants #floridabanks #bank #bankdesign #professionalbank

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